Addressing the current situation…
Ukraine – Refugees: how can we help?
As we watch events in the Ukraine unfold, there is a strong impulse to do something to help. But what’s the best way to do this?
Please read Stella Perrot’s article in Yorkshire Bylines – linked above
City of Sanctuary have a list of some useful ways in which to help victims of war in Ukraine
Please consider signing the petition calling on the government to relax its visa requirements for Ukrainian refugees, in line with EU countries.
Donations to the National Appeal are being matched by the government
and also the Coop Tesco and Asda
Nationality and borders bill – what you can do to help
Charles has compiled a list of actions that can be taken – please click on link above
The national day of action to support this bill is Monday March 21st
The groups are planning actions this week – details will be sent out next weekend – please take part if you can in discussion and/or the action.
NB As noted in Stella’s article, donations of clothing for Ukrainian refugees from the UK are causing more problems than they are solving
.However BIASAN, an organisation which provides advocacy and support for asylum seekers in
Bradford and with close links to the Craven network, say there is still an urgent need for men’s clothing (winter clothing and all -seasons items such as T shirts), men’s trainers, and suitcases for asylum seekers in hotel accommodation in Bradford.
Many of these are refugees from Afghanistan who made their way to the UK outside the formal resettlement schemes.
BIASAN are not able to accept household equipment, beds etc at the moment.
The Leeds Women’s and Children’s group still needs donations of children’s clothing.
If you have anything suitable please contact Charlie Dobson (01756 793626 or 07415 477100).
February has been an important month in that a distinction has been made between Skipton and CRSN membership.
Newsletter 9th January 2022
Happy New Year
Event reminder
Thursday January 13th starting at 7.30 pm
Speakers with ‘lived experience’ are from Allies for Justice which is part of Detention Action https://detentionaction.org.uk/about-us/lived-experience-campaigning
They plan to shine a light on the current system and discuss what might be done to improve a pretty uncivilised way of dealing with human beings who find themselves in precarious circumstances..
The issues surrounding detention and deportation are both in the public eye at the moment being subjects of the Nationality and Borders Bill currently, being debated in the House of Lords
This will be a thought provoking session and we do hope you can make it.
Angie has the Zoom link please contact her if you wish to attend – angie.pedley@gmail.com
In mid-December a small but dedicated bunch took part in a Christmas Non-Pub Pub Quiz on Zoom. They donated whatever they would have spent on drinks in an actual pub to BIASAN & Abigail Housing.
Those who took part really enjoyed it and Nicky Cope has plans for another around Easter.
If you are not on the mailing list you might like to read Stella Perrott’s UWRSG’s January newsletter which includes :-
– a report and pictures of the Upper Wharfedale churches, schools Federation and UWRSG Christmas collection
– an invite to engage in English conversation with refugees
BIASAN STORE .. Judy Rogers shared this message on facebook
Please email Paola direct paola.polla.51@gmail.com if you have items to donate.
Remember goods should be in excellent condition and only items which are needed.
“The store we have is open to all seeking sanctuary and refugees; we accept/collect household items as well as toys, footwear and clothing. A lot has been donated recently and our space is quite limited, so please can people let us know what they are planning to donate beforehand. Thank you again.”
Schools of Sanctuary
There are several schools in both the Skipton and Settle areas which have had a good deal of input into deeper understanding of refugees, welcoming newcomers and becoming a School of Sanctuary. Fiona Protheroe and Judy Rogers put a lot of work into these projects and as a result two schools in Craven have that designation. This subject was discussed at the Zoom AGM. It was muted that it was time to continue this work in other schools if there are people willing to do it.
Angie Pedley has been talking to Megan Greenwood, the lead person on schools at City of Sanctuary and Megan is happy to do a couple of sessions for people willing to engage in this. She would do training for volunteers and then another session of training for school and college staff, assisting our volunteers, supporting questioning and plans for progressing the ideas.
If you would like to help with this can you get in touch please? It was discussed at the AGM and there was potentially some interest.
Initially please contact Viv Dawson
Other Information
Care for Calais along with the Border Force union (PCS) are taking the government to court to stop pushbacks. Pushbacks are the forcible turning around of boats carrying refugees to stop them from reaching a country’s border.
Together With Refugees – an update on the Nationality bill
Newsletter 12/12/21
Event reminders… A NON-PUB PUB QUIZ
Tuesday 14th December starting at 7.30pm
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88323264876
Please start to log on from 7.15pm
Donations requested for Biasan and Abigail Housing.
Pay what you might have spent on drinks in the pub
Thanks to Nicky Corp
December Thursday 23rd – Carols in foyer Tesco Skipton, 2.00pm-4.00pm.
Churches Together, Upper Wharfedale are planning their annual event to raise money for refugees and asylum seekers. All comers welcome 🙂
ALSO please note *Upper Wharfedale – Refugee Christmas Collection ends Friday 19th Dec
AND big thanks to all who responded at such short notice to the call for vigils
PLUS the link to “Working at the sharp end” – From the Frontlines of Refugee Support with Tina Brocklebank and Phil McCarthy
AND a short report of ‘From the Frontlines of Refugee Support’ zoom session plus Ways we can help support refugees and asylum seekers
New Event – January 2022
Another interesting Zoom event is planned for Thursday 13th January with Allies for Justice
– a campaign group for people with lived experience of navigating the UK’s asylum system, immigration detention and deportation system.
It will address their campaign for a fair asylum system and issues around detention and deportation.
More info and poster
Extract from UWRSG Refugee update from Stella Perrott
Borders and Immigration bill
The bill passed its 3rd reading in Commons on Tuesday and will now be discussed in the Lords.
I wrote (email attached) to Julian Smith on Monday, before the vote on Tuesday, urging him to vote against its worst provisions. He voted on the bill in its entirety.
There is probably no point in writing to JS again before the bill returns to the commons but writing to members of the House of Lords is still worthwhile.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting on Zoom Tuesday 16 November at 7 pm.
A quick thank you for Saturday’s concert and the amazing donations
Another Craven Network Zoom event
Tuesday 30th November starting at 7.30pm.
The theme is ‘Working at the sharp end ’ by Tina Brocklebank
Article on the Skipton Demonstration
Thank you and still needed.
See Facebook page for the most current news
How can I help?
- If you would like to get involved with the CRSN please contact us to let us know how you may be able to help ...
- Email:cravenrefugeesn@gmail.comOpens in your application
- Website:cravenrefugees.org