16th – 22nd June REFUGEE WEEK 
Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary
Moomin Characters and Counterpoints Arts are delighted to announce our plans, as part of Refugee Week 2025, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first Moomin story, The Moomins and the Great Flood, which was originally published in 1945 by the acclaimed Finnish artist, illustrator and writer Tove Jansson.
World Refugee Day 20th June
Refugee Week is an annual global arts and culture festival that celebrates the resilience, creativity, and contributions of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.
2025 Events

14th June Talk at Settle Victoria Hall by Sarah Lister on movement of people around the area from the 19th century onwards
Saturday September 21st 2024 is the UN International Day of Peace
This year’s focus is on “Cultivating a culture of peace” in a world mired by conflict.
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Sunday Afternoon 22nd October, 2pm to 5pm. Amerdale Hall, Arncliffe.
“COME Traditional Dales Village DANCING” to Buttered Peas Ceilidh Band and Caller.
Tickets £10 on the door or £8.50 in advance. FREE for young people under 18 and REFUGEES! Ukrainians especially welcome!
More details later. Contact – Richard Hargreaves in Hawkswick 01756 770346.
For more information contact Judy Rogers (Craven Lead) or Megan at City of Sanctuary megan@uk.cityofsanctuary.org
Social evening
“Limbo” at Victoria Hall starting at 2.30pm. Tickets £10
Syrian food on sale at the outdoor cafe as part of Refugee Week
Hosting event for asylum seekers from Darwen at St Andrew’s church – offers to help make and serve lunch to Judy Rogers please
Please let Maggie or Annie know if you’d like to be involved in any way from cake making, running a stall, making coffees, moving chairs ……….
Saturday 14th May at Skipton Town Hall
Session to be run by Megan Greenwood, Co-ordinator at City of Sanctuary for Schools
Contact Angie if you want to come along angie.pedley@gmail.com
Three Bradford organisations presented this session with speakers from Abigail Housing, the Red Cross and Beacon.
The session was recorded –
A show of support for refugees was held in the market place & people were informed about the Nationality & Borders Bill
Assemble 10am King Street to sign letters for Julian Smith MP & the Craven Herald
The library entrance was decorated for the day.
Supporters collected signatures for a letter to Julian Smith MP asking him to consider agreeing to amendemenst to the Nationality & Borders bill
A peace vigil, including support of refugees, was organised by Skipton Quakers 5.30pm outside Skipton Town Hall. Over 100 people attended. The Town Hall was lit up in the blue & yellow of the Ukrainian flag
Sadly CANCELLED because of Covid
Carols in foyer Tesco Skipton, on Thursday 23rd from 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm.
This is an annual event by Churches Together, Upper Wharfedale to raise money for refugees and asylum seekers.
Come and join us
On Zoom, courtesy of Nicky Corp, starting at 7.30pm.
Donations requested.
Pay what you might have spent on drinks in the pub.
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88323264876
Vigils for the people who died in the Channel on Wednesday 24th November, trying to reach England took place in Grassington, Skipton and Bentham on 27th November

The AGM was held on Zoom on 16th November. 15 people attended with 3 apologies.
Chair | Charlie Dobson |
Vice-chair | Judy Rogers |
Treasurer | Phil Lawler |
Secretary | Nicky Corp |
Communications secretary | Rebecca Swift |
Other members | Heather Hutchinson |
| Floe Shakespeare |
| Claire Tobermann |
A music evening with Charlie Dobson, Phil Lawler and Richard Hargreaves at St Andrews Church, Skipton
£1,300 was raised
Stella Perrott, from the Upper Wharfedale Refugee Support Group, gave a very interesting and useful presentation via Zoom in September. It is available to view on YouTube through this link https://youtu.be/t2G-YSKg2uE https://youtu.be/t2G-YSKg2uE
The event raised £450 to go to charities helping Afghan evacuees
How can I help?
- If you would like to get involved with the CRSN please contact us to let us know how you may be able to help ...
- Email:cravenrefugeesn@gmail.comOpens in your application
- Website:cravenrefugees.org