The Upper Wharfedale Refugee Support Group is a network of individuals living in Upper Wharfedale and Littondale who are concerned for refugees and wish to help in some way. We fundraise, provide information, donate clothing, household items and children’s toys, welcome refugees to the area and write to elected representatives about refugee matters. We also produce a free, annually up dated fact sheet for use/ distribution. If you would like to help or be on our mailing list, email : refugees@upperwharfedale.net
Supporters for refugees from Ukraine are also active in Upper Wharfedale since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Fact sheets are published on Craven District of Sanctary website or contact us for a hard copy
A vigil was held in Grassington in August 2023
to remember the victims of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945
August 2024 vigil jointly with Skipton Quakers
Report in the Craven Herald here
Traditional Dales village music and dancing – Amerdale Hall, Arncliffe –
Sunday afternoon 22nd October 2023
Organised by Grassington Peace Group, supported by UWRSG
Nearly 60 people came from far and wide to make it a happy and vibrant hall that afternoon. The Buttered Peas band played and the caller Terry Evans took the circles, squares or lines of dancers through the moves of traditional dances from the Dales and elsewhere. Then everyone had a go, people of all ages, some with experience of this kind of dancing but most with none. The hall seemed to buzz with the energy, noise, smiles and sometimes hilarious laughter of people on the move, mostly under control but sometimes verging on the chaotic. It looked and felt like FUN! It was good to see a good number of children joining in – entry was free for them – and above all it was great to welcome some refugees. The band’s flute and guitar were able to play two Ukrainian tunes for a Ukrainian family now living in Skipton and the Anchor Project in Bradford brought a minibus with 15 people, mostly refugees. Caller Terry quickly adapted her programme so that several small African children could join in. Joyously, they did!
Many thanks to Sarah Paul and the Amerdale Hall team for the excellent tea and cake refreshments and for all their help to “Buttered Peas” in putting on such a happy afternoon in the hall. “Buttered Peas”, by the way, is named after the well-known Dales dance which was done that afternoon to tunes from Dentdale and Langstrothdale
Link to 2023 Fact Sheet on Craven District of Sanctuary website
For further information, please contact Stella Perrott
How can I help?
- If you would like to get involved with the CRSN please contact us to let us know how you may be able to help ...
- Email:cravenrefugeesn@gmail.comOpens in your application
- Website:cravenrefugees.org