Skipton Refugee Support Group
Who we are
We seek to support refugees in Skipton and in the wider world, and to promote awareness of refugee issues. We are closely linked to other groups in the Craven area (Malhamdale, Upper Wharfedale, Settle, Bentham) via the Craven Refugee Support Network. Skipton Refugee Support Group is part of the City of Sanctuary movement.
What we do
The main activities which we undertake are:
- Informal support and language coaching for refugee families living in Skipton, working closely with North Yorkshire Council and with support workers from the Refugee Council;
- Fund raising, through concerts, parties and other events;
- “Hosting weekends” and other social events for asylum seekers and refugees, mainly those living in Bradford and Leeds;
- Awareness raising, eg by sponsoring plays on refugee issues;
- Collection of clothing and other goods for refugee families in Skipton, Bradford/Leeds
- Financial and practical support for organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers in Bradford and Leeds.
You can find out more about recent events and planned future events from this link or from the Craven Network Facebook page
How you can help
- Become a “telephone buddy” to an isolated refugee or asylum seeker
- Donate household goods for use by refugees and their families
- Join in working parties to help Abigail Housing, an organisation which provides housing for asylum seekers in Leeds and Bradford
- Come to our events – inform yourself on refugee issues
- Add your weight to local and national campaigns
Hosting weekend June 2024
Visitors from Abigail Housing in Bradford were hosted by local people.
Thank you so much for the weekend residential. Everyone said they had such a wonderful time. They were all gleaming when they told me about their hosts and how welcoming everyone was.
One of the residents commented on how kind everyone had been and he felt so relaxed, he said he hadn’t had such a good night sleep in such a long time! They all said it was the best trip they’d ever been on.
(Abigail Housing staff member)
Keep up to date with Facebook
How can I help?
- If you would like to get involved with the CRSN please contact us to let us know how you may be able to help ...
- Email:cravenrefugeesn@gmail.comOpens in your application
- Website:cravenrefugees.org